[Tips] Capture Screen in Mozilla

Today i got a task from my friend to capture some of data from the web. As usual i was using PrintScreen command and save it as JPEG. But it takes me ages to capture all of the data from the screen, because i need to scroll down and capture, scroll down again and capture. After all of data captured, i need to merge all of the image file into one long image file. It was so frustrating 🙁

Then i got an idea, probably there were some plugins or tools in Mozilla to capture web as an image. After googling and search in Mozilla add-on, i got some of what i need. And Abduction! is the winner and best for me, it is really really what i need and help me a lot, thanks to Rowan Lewis as the author.

Here is the usage instruction:

  1. Right click on any web page, frame or iframe, click “Save Page As Image…” and then drag a box around the piece you want to save.
  2. Make your selection and save them as image.
  3. That’s it.

I hope this article is usefull and save lot of time 🙂 Have a nice day!


  1. Vipin says:

    Good one , i have been searching for this one for a long time .

  2. Vipin says:

    Good one , i have been searching for this one for a long time .