Things You Want To Do After Install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Part 3

This is the next of previous post Things You Want To Do After Install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Part 2. In this post i will show you how to install the list of softwares from the previous post. To make your Ubuntu desktop as a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop.

Okay now let’s continue to the next step. I assume you still login with root account in the terminal. If not please login first.

I’m going to show you how to install the additional softwares, please follow this steps:
1. On the terminal please type this command:

apt-get install amarok gimp flashplugin-nonfree amule audacity vuze banshee bluefish dvdrip filezilla ttf-mscorefonts-installer gnucash 'gstreamer*' gtkpod-aac sun-java6* k3b kino mplayer smplayer quanta kompozer scribus 'vlc*' mozilla-plugin-vlc xchat-gnome sound-juicer realplayer googleearth acroread non-free-codecs ubuntu-restricted-extras libdvdcss2 xine-ui xine-plugin thunderbird virtualbox-ose

2. It will take some times to download and install all the softwares. If you know that you don’t need some softwares please remove that from the command.
3. You will be ask some question to install, just follow the instruction because it will be different for every software.

The next thing is install the opera browser:
1. Update your sources.list by this command:

vim /etc/apt/sources.list

2. Add this line to the end of the file:

deb stable non-free

3. Save the file.
4. Get the gpg-key:

wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

(If you get “The following packages cannot be authenticated” warnings, you’ll also need this:)

apt-get install debian-archive-keyring

5. Update your repository and install opera:

apt-get update
apt-get install opera

The next thing is install the Google Chrome browser:
1. Run this command:

add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa
sudo apt-get update
apt-get install chromium-browser

The next thing is install Skype:
1. Go to and select the right Ubuntu .deb package for your architecture (Ubuntu 8.10+ 32-bit or Ubuntu 8.10+ 64-bit)
2. After the download has finished, open back the terminal and go to the directory where the package has been saved (the default location is the Downloads folder in your home directory, i.e. ~/Downloads):

gdebi skype-ubuntu*

The next thing is install Google Picassa:
1. Go to and select the right .deb package for your architecture (i386 or amd64).
2. After the download has finished, open back the terminal and go to the directory where the package has been saved (the default location is the Downloads folder in your home directory, i.e. ~/Downloads):

gdebi picasa_3.0-current_*

Next post: Things You Want To Do After Install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Part 4


  1. Durgesh kumar says:

    thank u verY is verY useful for ubuntu beginners

  2. Durgesh kumar says:

    hi.. i m nw to UBUNTU……hw can i write shell programs intractively….and hw can i use my arraow keys in SHELL programs (i.e moving up,down,right,left ) without changing insert mode

  3. Damaniellis says:

    how do i download things

  4. 希锐亚 says:


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