If you are using xampp, you can access your local server just by go to http://localhost. So now i would like to share to you how to create your own local domain and add your local domain into apache virtual host, so you can have your local website for development purpose. For example you can have www.domain.local. To create this you only need to edit your apache vhost and your hosts file.If you are using Windows you can edit your hosts files in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, you can … Read more...
Local Server For Testing Environment With XAMPP On Windows
If you are a php web developer or want to be, it is a must that you need to have a testing environment. A testing environment means you have our own local server and test and run your application that you are developing before you go live on your production server. You need to develop, and testing your application in your local rather than testing it in your production server.So to have your local server in Windows environment you can use XAMPP. XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform … Read more...