WordPress is an open source project and developed by the community from all over the world. A lot of expert spent their times to make WordPress as secure as possible. But I'm not in the position to say that it has bulletproof for security vulnerability. You can see there are couple security has been reported fixed and disclosed in WordPress hackerone. You can report any security issue too, if it is valid, you'll get bounty!With that said, I would like to share couple best practices I did to … Read more...

Simple Way to Secure Your WordPress
It is irrevocably true that security is the main thing you must pay attention to when you are using WordPress. Still, to optimize other features is also important. Well, let’s go further about how to secure and optimize your WordPress.First off, since the files stored in the /wp-admin/ folder is so sensitive since the blog lets the folder open and unfortunately people who access this folder can do something with them, you can secure the directory by placing a .htaccess file in the folder … Read more...

What To Do When Your WordPress Blog Got Hacked
It's been two years i've been blogging with Wordpress. And all the knowledges and articles i wrote in this blog comes from many sources and experiences. And in 2 years blogging, i got 2 hacked attack and survive. And now if pay attention to my access log, there are still some attempt to inject the malicious code to my site. You can read my article: Someone Trying To Inject IvanKristianto.com.I'm not saying that my blog is secure and bullet proof. But i have done everything i could do, trying … Read more...

Secure Your WordPress Blog
Security is like a part of our life. We need to secure ours from the others. In real life, we use keys to secure our house, car and many others from unwanted visitors or unwanted person, that maybe want to do something bad with our stuff. Same as your websites, in this case your blog. You also need to protect your blog from unwanted/bad visitors. You need to protect your information, data and any privacy you store on your website.Follow these tips to secure your WordPress blog: 1. Use SSL … Read more...