WordPress 3.2 was launched this 4th July 2011, this update have some new interesting features. After heavy testing on my testing environment of this blog, i decided to upgrade my blog to use WordPress 3.2. And the result i like the new UI style, probably i'm getting a little bored for the old style.Plugins CompatibilityI tested all my plugins such as db cache reloaded fix and it is working just fine. Hyper cache, ALl In One SEO, Google Analytic for WordPress, Google XML Sitemap, Livefyre … Read more...

WordPress 3.0.4, KSES Library Patched
WordPress 3.0.4 released on Deecember 29, 2010 as the latest WordPress released in 2010. This released is a patch for XSS vulnerabilities in in the KSES library. And this release is considered as critical security update by WordPress.What is KSES? KSES is an HTML/XHTML filter written in PHP. It removes all unwanted HTML elements and attributes, and it also does several checks on attribute values. kses can be used to avoid Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). KSES is an open source project available … Read more...

WordPress 3.0.2 Hardening Security Released
WordPress 3.0.2 has been released on November 30, 2010 and ready for download. This released is fixes a moderate security issue that could allow a malicious Author-level user to gain further access to the site, addresses a handful of bugs, and provides some additional security enhancements.What have been fixed in this released:Remove pingback/trackback blogroll whitelisting feature as it can easily be abused. Fix canonical redirection for permalinks containing %category% with nested … Read more...

WordPress 3.0 RC3 Released!
Wordpress 3.0 RC3 finally release for testing purpose. Lot of bug fixes and improvements. All wordpress plugin and themes developer are encouraged to test your plugins and themes. If you found any bugs with this release you can submit your ticket to here.Wordpress 3.0 Release Candidate 3 probably is the last release candidate. Wordpress may release the final version after this release. When? Honestly, i don't know too. I'm looking forward to hear the good news from their.Please remember … Read more...

WordPress 3.0 RC1 Released!
As May 28 2010, Wordpress release Wordpress 3.0 release candidate 1 (RC1). This release have all features finished, all bugs squashed, and all potential issues addressed. But please keep in mind, this only the release candidate, don't install or upgrade your live site with this version, unless you know what you are doing.Things you need to know with this release candidate: 1. Custom menus are finished! 2. Multi-site is all set. 3. The look of the WordPress admin has been lightened … Read more...

WordPress 3.0 New Features And Release Date
Wordpress 3.0 Beta 2 has been released on April 24, 2010 as the wordpress official statements on their blog here. The final release will be somewhere in this May 2010. There is no exact release date announce yet. As this next major version release, Wordpress 3.0 add some new features that will make Wordpress more powerful and become the best CMS (Content Management System) for blog.As they say there are still some bugs on their plate to fix, so in my opinion this Wodpress 3,0 release date … Read more...

WordPress 2.8.5: Hardening Release
Today i upgraded my blog to use Wordpress v2.8.5. I feel nothing different since this release is patch for security release as they publish it on Wordpress official blog, you can read it here. I am happy to use Wordpress as my blog engine. It is so easy to use and have many useful plugins. And the most important thing it is stable. And i am looking forward for the next release of the Wordpress v.2.9 there are lots of new feature that you can see it here.The headline changes in this release … Read more...

WordPress 2.8.1 Release
Today my wordpress upgraded to new version, version 2.8.1. There wasn't so many change though. But it feels better to upgrade to the newest version.Here is the change log for Wordpress v.2.8.1:Certain themes were calling get_categories() in such a way that it would fail in 2.8. 2.8.1 works around this so these themes won’t have to change. Dashboard memory usage is reduced. Some people were running out of memory when loading the dashboard, resulting in an incomplete page. The … Read more...

Upgrading to WordPress 2.8
Today i upgraded my wordpress core to v2.8. More cool stuff and new feature. The admin user interface looks nicer especially for widget page, now you can drag and drop your widget and save with ajax. Also the new text editor for plugin and themes with syntax highlighting.Complete List of New Feature in Wordpress v2.8 (reference from Wordpress Official site):HighlightsNew drag-and-drop widgets admin interface and new widgets API Syntax highlighting and function lookup built … Read more...