Unwanted visitor won't bring you any good or benefit. Unwanted visitor may harm your website or server and wasting your money indirectly. And since they don't bring you any benefit and may cause harm to your server that will effect your loyal visitors/readers, so we need to block them.So who is the unwanted visitors? Here some of them:Scrape Bot Vulnerable finder bot Spam bot Unknown spider/crawling bot DDOS attackThose bot doesn't do anything good for you, they stealing … Read more...

Minify And Compress Your CSS and Javascript
Website performance effect SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and beside that it's more convenient to your visitor to read your website if your website loading time is short. There are lot of ways to improve and optimize your website performance. One of them is compress and minimized your CSS and javascript.This two static files are usually use in modern website, either to increase usability and make it your homepage beautiful. But often this two static files (CSS and Javascript) have lot of … Read more...