Google+ (read: Google plus) is one of the Google product for social networking. Google+ was launched in June 28, 2011 and as i am writing this article, this service is not available for public yet, only the invited user could join Google+. And i got lucky to received the invitation from my friends. Google+ use many of Google existing technologies. For example: Google chat, Google voice, Google Buzz, Google Profile, Picasa, Youtube, Google map, and others. Beside connecting all dots, Google+ also … Read more...

Facebook Now Become Free Ads And Spam Social Networking
If you come to read this article then i bet you already know what Facebook is. As Facebook claim that they have more than 200 millions users, even i still don't believe that all that numbers are real, but now Facebook is a top social networking on the internet. Everybody talk about Facebook, TV ads also about Facebook, and now mobile phone come with Facebook supported and market it. It is all about Facebook.I like to spend some times on Facebook, to say hi to my friends and catch up with old … Read more...