Recently i found that some of my friends send me an email asking to see an important document in Google Drive. The title would say "Kindly Review The Uploaded Document" and here is the content of the email: Hello,please see this it's very important and sign in to viewIt's very importantKind regards Please see the screenshot below:The email sent to me as bcc as my contacts, so i thought it might be something important. But i'm shock when … Read more...

Have You Done GMail Security Checklist?
To know that your account is being hacked is the worst nightmare ever. Especially when you have a confidential information such as finance information in that account. Most of the internet account need email for communication. And even Google mail have the best security (in my humble opinion), could be compromised if you are not careful. Amit Agarwal from labnol got his GMail hacked once and he managed to recover it back after some time.Actually Google Mail has the security checklist in … Read more...