Sometimes sending email could be pain in the ass for some server. Especially if it is a share hosting that has blacklisted IP, and all the emails it send either go to spam box or doesn't deliver at all. As one of my services, is deploy a web application and most of the time sending email from my staging server is completely fine, but not in the client hosting server.So because i'm checking it over and over, in my free time i create a simple script to send email from the server. If you are … Read more...

GMail Tricks You Might Don’t Know
Gmail is one of the Google product, which is free, advertising-supported webmail, POP3, and IMAP. I have been using Gmail for more than 2 years now, and i can say it is the best mail service that ever made. It is fast, secure and convenient to use. The Gmail give you 7GB free space and growing every second.Beside the large space Google also have the uniqueness. One single account can give you more than 100 thousands alias. You maybe don’t believe me. But see the 3 tricks below:A … Read more...