If you install Git from repository On Centos 6.5, you will the the old version of git v1.7.x. But i need to use a feature that only available on git v1.8.x or more, for example git pull –recursive, this command is for update git repository along with the submodules.
So to fix it, i need to compile git from the sources. To do that you need to install some of the requirements as the command below:
1 | yum install zlib-devel perl-CPAN gettext |
To install Git from Sources follow the steps below:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 | cd /var/opt wget https: //git-core .googlecode.com /files/git-1 .9.0. tar .gz tar -xvzf git-1.9.0. tar .gz cd git-1.9.0. tar .gz . /configure make make prefix= /usr install #Finish installation #Now we try it git --version |
I have been developing an auto deployment script for me and my team development, now it is working smoothly. I love git 😀