“Google + Ubuntu = Googlubuntu. Search engine based on google for linux users. Ubuntu and Google together.” That’s what it says on their description. I found it today and i thought it really useful and want to sahre with all of you. Googlubuntu is using Google customer search to search all related articles and sources about Ubuntu and the others.
Googlubuntu resources are from: Ubuntu.com, Kubuntu.com, Edubuntu.org, Launchpad.net, ubuntuforums.org,
Kubuntuforums.net, ubuntuguide.org, getdeb.net, google groups «ubuntulinux» and «kubuntu», ubuntu-es.org, kubuntu-es.org, planetubuntu.es, ubuntips.com.ar, guia-ubuntu.org, cesarius.net, tuxpepino.wordpress.com, ubuntulife.wordpress.com, google groups on spanish.
All that following resources will cover most of the articles, news, tips, tricks and any sources you want to find. So if you are an Ubuntu user, don’t forget to bookmark this site.
Happy Ubuntu!