Customize Your Facebook Fan Page

From the previous article “Create Facebook Fan Page With Welcome Page“, i wrote how to make Facebook fan page with simple welcome page. Now i would like to show you more cool features that you can do with Facebook Fan Page.In Facebook Fan Page you can add:Hide Exclusive Content only for Fans You can show your exclusive content or download link only for your fans, or your visitor that like your page. You can do it with “visible-to-connection” tag from FBML. See the example … Read more...

Create Facebook Fan Page With Welcome Page

It’s no doubt that Facebook have most users on the net. They claim that they have more than 200 millions of users using Facebook now. So imagine that you have more than 100 millions possibilities to get more loyal visitors to your site. Even a big company like Starbucks, Coke and Apple have their own Facebook account and fan page. Facebook fan page have cool features to market your websites or products.Before you begin, it would be nice if you read this post from which … Read more...

Debug Yor PHP Application With Xdebug

Debugging php code or php web application is not as easy as debugging web application using Visual Studio.Net. But still, we can. From my previous article, “See How PHP Web Application Work With XDebug“, you can debug and profiling a whole php code running or part of your php code using XDebug. Or use the old method with var_dump(), die(), echo, and print_r(). And debugging is not an easy job for most developer.As i state in the previous post, we can still do debuggin with Zend … Read more...

See How PHP Web Application Work With XDebug

The most common issue when we are developing web application using PHP is debugger. Debugging our web application is very important when we are developing and testing our project. Usually i’m using var_dump(), print_r() or echo to show the output of the variable or the result. The alternative is using Zend Studio, the PHP IDE (Integrated Development Environment), but it is too expensive and i couldn’t afford it now.So the alternatively to see how your web application works is using … Read more...

URL Validation Class In PHP

A couple days ago i’ve been struggling with URL validation in PHP. And i found a URL validation class from which i think is great and do what i need. And to use it, is really simple. Beside validate url, this class also can parse the url, so you can get all the url details.This url validation class is develop by Kaloyan Kirilov Tzvetkov, all credits is goes to him.Here is the example to use it:It’s pretty handy and safe your headache, isn’t it?Download … Read more...

Solve Nginx Error 413: Request Entity Too Large

Nginx default maximum accepted body size of client request, or maximum file size that you can upload to the server which have Nginx is 1M. And when i try to upload more than 1M i got Nginx error 403: Request entity too large. This happen because Nginx refuse it. And please keep in mind that the browsers do not know how to correctly show this error.To correct this error is easy, you just need to give client_max_body_size a value. Follow the steps below to solve Nginx Error 413: Request entity … Read more...

Turn Off Light Feature For Video Streaming Site

Most of the times when you watching a streaming video from Youtube or other else, you found that all the comment or related videos or ads are little bit distracting. So if you own a video streaming website, it’s better if you can give this turn off light feature, so your visitor can enjoy their time when watching a video from your site.To implement this turn off light feature, you need JQuery to modify CSS on the fly.For JQuery library i’m using Ajax from Google API:And for … Read more...

Get Twitter Update With JQuery

From the previous article i write, Get Last Tweet Without OAuth Using PHP, and now i want to share with you how to get the twitter update with JQuery.Get Twitter update with JQuery is not much different, we are using the same API given by Twitter , process it and display the results. You can get the Twitter update from someone using their username using this Twitter API:Where username would be the twitter username, and format could be json, xml, atom and rss.Okay as usual, if we … Read more...

Enable Maintenance Mode With .htaccess

Sometimes when you are upgrading your blog or your website, it’s wise and highly recommended that your block all your visitor and redirect it to maintenance page. So your visitors know and come back later. You can redirect your visitors to maintenance page with redirect 307 (temporary redirect). This redirect 307 won’t harm your server and SEO in search engine. When Google bot saw this redirect code, it will come back later and index your page again.To redirect all your visitors except … Read more...