PHP APC vs eAccelerator vs XCache Benchmarking

From my previous post i wrote about how to install APC and XCache for caching system for PHP 5. Now i would like to review which one is have best performance between APC, eAccelerator and XCache.Since i don't have enough machine to do the test, i'm using the bechmark test result from which have done it great and details.Benchmark testing environment:Hardware AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ @ 2.2GHz, 1MB cache and 2GB RAM. 160GB SATA 7200RPM hard … Read more...

[HowTo] Install XCache For PHP5 In CentOS

Instead using Alternative PHP cache (APC), we can use PHP XCache for PHP caching system. XCache is an open-source opcode cacher, to accelerates PHP performance on servers. It optimize performance by removing the compilation time of PHP scripts with caching the compiled state of PHP scripts into the shm (RAM) or memory and uses the compiled version straight from the RAM or memory. This will increase the rate of page generation time by up to 5 times as it also optimizes many other aspects of php … Read more...

Alternative PHP Cache (APC) Not Compatible With Zend Optimizer

This problem happen in my VPS after i install Alternative PHP cache (APC). And also i already have Zend optimizer installed on the same VPS. After i installed APC, my WordPress blog show strange behavior. Sometimes i got Error 500 Internal Server Error, and sometimes i got PHP fatal error.Here is the error messsage:As i try to find the solution on Google, there are lot of others complaining the same thing. You may need to read the details on as it clearly state that APC … Read more...

Snippet Code To Benchmark Your PHP Script

Testing is one of common task for programmer. In every development phase, testing is need to be done before moving to next phase. There are a lot of testing technique. One of them is benchmarking, to test script/code performance. Benchmark test result can be used to optimize the code/script.As in PHP you can get how long your server took to parse and execute your code. Here is the simple snippet code to get the execution time:This simple code will help you discover bottlenecks in … Read more...

Free PHP Obfuscator

Update: The obfuscator download is not active anymore.You may need to obfuscate your php code for security or licensing reasons. So the other third party cannot easily hijack your code for their own reasons. Obfuscated code is source or machine code that has been made difficult to understand for humans. So if you planning to sell your php script, make sure you obfuscated it for security and license reasons.There are a lot of tools to obfuscating PHP script, 2 best tools on the net right … Read more...

[HowTo] Install Alternative PHP Cache (APC)

The Alternative PHP Cache (APC) is a free and open opcode cache for PHP. Its goal is to provide a free, open, and robust framework for caching and optimizing PHP intermediate code. And you can boost your php web application using this modules. For example you can use it in WordPress using W3 Total Cache.To install Alternative PHP Cache (APC) you can use PECL (repository for PHP Extensions): 1. Open your ssh with root access. 2. Install APC dependency pcre prior install APC:3. Install … Read more...

Free Programming E-Book List

Everybody love free things. Including me. Here is the compiled list of Free programming books and tutorial available for you to download. And once again it is free, i will update it more as soon as i get a new link.List of freely available programming books from"The only source of Knowledge is Experience" (Albert Einstein) … Read more...

How to Check And Repair MySQL Database

Sometimes your MySQL database data is corrupted. Usually it is not properly close when querying to the database, because of high server load or MySQL server suddenly down. This will make your database files or tables corrupted. And your web application won’t run normal or even show Internal server error or cannot connect to the mysql database server.There are many ways to to fix this error: 1. Use MySQL check and repair function2. Use mysqlcheck to check and repair database3. Use … Read more...

Install And Configure Nginx, PHP, MySQL On Ubuntu

Nginx is simple webserver yet powerful. It is widely know for stable webserver. If it is well configured, nginx rarely have spike in the cpu load and have low memory consumption. Nginx is known for its stability, rich feature set, simple configuration, and low resource consumption.In this article i want to share how to install and configure your Ubuntu server to use Nginx as web server, PHP5 support (using fastcgi) and MySQL support.Open your ssh terminal. Install … Read more...

Debug WordPress To See How It is Works

It’s no doubt that WordPress is one of the most powerful CMS for blogging. Beside it is free and open source, it also user friendly. But do you know how exactly WordPress executing it’s code? Well, this idea come up in my mind, so i would like to trace how WordPress executing it’s code.When visitors visit your WordPress blog, it only serve through index.php, even your visitors click any links in your blog (post, category, page, blogroll, archive, feed links), it will serve only from … Read more...