With their own operating systems and software, smartphones are morphing into the PCs of the future. What makes smartphones more than mobile phones is the myriad of advanced applications available for download. So even once your smartphone is in-hand, you can update it all the time. If you’re planning a vacation abroad and you don’t want to be a walking cliché – camera ‘round the neck and a backpack bursting with maps – having a smartphone can really help. Even if the place you visit … Read more...

New Adsense V3, New Interface And Features
Since November 10, 2010 adsense upgrade to new version, version 3. This new version 3 offers a new design user interface. Which give us more control and easily understand your earning performance.“Built based on feedback we’ve heard from you, our publishers, the new interface is full of features designed to help you make more money with AdSense. We want to thank you for all the input you’ve given us, and show you some of the ways it’s reflected in the new interface.”. As the Google … Read more...

GMail Tricks You Might Don’t Know
Gmail is one of the Google product, which is free, advertising-supported webmail, POP3, and IMAP. I have been using Gmail for more than 2 years now, and i can say it is the best mail service that ever made. It is fast, secure and convenient to use. The Gmail give you 7GB free space and growing every second.Beside the large space Google also have the uniqueness. One single account can give you more than 100 thousands alias. You maybe don’t believe me. But see the 3 tricks below:A … Read more...

Access Google Data API From Command Line
Googlecl is a google utility to access Google Data API from command line. Googlecl is written in Python programming language. Googlecl allow you to update your blogger blog, Picassa, Calender, Contact, Google Doc, and Youtube videos. This tool connect to Google service using Google Data API. Since it is written with Python, it'w work on cross platform such as Linux, FreeBSD, Windows and Mac OSX.To install GoogleCL, you need to install it's dependency:Python 2.5 or 2.6 gdata >= 1.2.4 … Read more...

Minify And Compress Your CSS and Javascript
Website performance effect SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and beside that it's more convenient to your visitor to read your website if your website loading time is short. There are lot of ways to improve and optimize your website performance. One of them is compress and minimized your CSS and javascript.This two static files are usually use in modern website, either to increase usability and make it your homepage beautiful. But often this two static files (CSS and Javascript) have lot of … Read more...

Cheat Your Professor With Trash File
I know cheating is not right thing to do, but sometimes you have to. Imagine when you have to submit your task by tomorrow and you don't even start it now, for any reasons you can give. And i'm sure your professor doesn't want to hear any reasons from you for not submitting your task.So to cheat your professor you can submit a broken file or a trash file. And later you can blame the professor computer's or server computer or even the internet or network which make your file broken. You can … Read more...

URL Shortener Service Comparison Criteria
Twitter and Identi.ca or other micro blogging have maximum character to be published. And it's human friendly to see if the long url shorten to a short url. URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web in which a URL may be made substantially shorter in length. This involves using an HTTP Redirect on a domain name that is short to link to a website which has a long URL. But how does the url shortening and http redirect effect on your site SEO?So hoe determine how URL shortener service … Read more...
[HowTo] Send Large Files With BitTorrent
Sending large files across the internet is a little bit tricky. If you just sending your photos with size 1mb each, you can send it via email. But email service have limitation with large attachments. In Gmail you have 25MB max attachment size, Yahoo 25MB and Hotmail 10MB. So how about sending 1GB-5GB of data across the internet?The easy way is using Skype peer to peer connection or MSN send file feature. But this feature cannot resume download when your connection is not good. Imagine if your … Read more...

Host Your Static Files Using Google App Engine For Free
Google App Engine is cloud computing technology for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers. It virtualizes applications across multiple servers and data centers. And the good things is Google App Engine offer you a trial for free. And offer reasonable price if you have over quota. It is $0.12/GByte for outgoing bandwidth.So what will you achieve if your site using Google App Engine to host your static files? Google data store are spread all over the world. And … Read more...

Google Instant: Get What You Search Instantly
Google recently update their search function. It is called Google Instant. Google Instant is a new search enhancement that shows results as you type. So when you are typing, you are also thinking what you want to search. So while you typing your keyword to search, Google Instant will show the most relevant result to you, and you will get what you search while you are typing (not after you press Search button).According to Google, "people type slowly, but read quickly". Typically taking 300 … Read more...