Connecting Evernote with Sublime Text 3

I love Sublime text 3 and use Evernote a lot. And today I would like to share how to connect Evernote with Sublime Text 3. This is useful because most of the times i store my code snippet on my Evernote account. And since I’m using Ubuntu, there is no native Evernote client, so the only way I can use it is using Evernote web.

To cut it short, to connect Evernote with Sublime Text 3, I’m using Sublime module called sublime-evernote. You can see the source from Github.


  1. Install Sublime Package Manager, if you installed, skip this step.
  2. Open command palette, Find “Package control: Install Package”, search for “Evernote”, and install it
  3. Open command palette, Find “Evernote Settings: Reconfigure Authorization”
  4. Then you need to put API Key from Evernote account. Click here to get it.
  5. Save it and finish installation.

How to create a note

  1. To create a new note, first open command pallet and look for “Evernote: New empty note”
  2. Please fill the title, notebook and tags
  3. Write content of your note below
  4. When you are finished you can save it back to Evernote with command pallet and look for “Evernote: Send to Evernote as a new note”

Open and Update a note

  1. To open an existing note,first open command pallet and look for “Evernote: Open Evernote note”
  2. Find your note using the search box
  3. You can update your note
  4. When you are finished you can save it back to Evernote with command pallet and look for “Evernote: Update Evernote note”

That’s it, If you found any interesting tricks please leave your comment below.


  1. nup says:

    when i sync any code, there i always some invalid character.
    any way to escape html special characters?

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