Disappointing Jaunty Jackalope, New Hope For Karmic Koala

I am using Ubuntu for almost a year now. I was using Ubuntu from 8.04 Hardy Heron and then upgrade to 8.10 Interpid Ibex and this both version is good and i had happy time using this version of Ubuntu. Firefox browser run smoothly as well as compiz. I am not a linux expert, i am just linux fan especially Ubuntu. I tried CentOS 5 and Fedora before, and i think they are good and stable, but you need to take sometime to tweak and configure to become a perfect desktop.

But later after i upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope, i had a very disappointed time. As you can read it on my other post here. Boot time take longer than before, compiz was not working properly so i have do disable some feature, Firefox was very slow, i cannot watch Youtube on full screen anymore, and need tweaking with my Xorg.conf. It was very dissapointing time. But after did some research and updates, slowly and slowly better and i can do work on this Jaunty. But still i’m not really satisfied with the performance.

Now, since this article release, it is 6 days to go for new Ubuntu release, you can see the release schedule here. Code name is Karmic Koala. This Ubuntu version is 9.10.  There are some fix and new feature on this new release:
1. Use GNome 2.28, for Kubuntu using KDE 4.3.1
2. Use kernel 2.6.31
3. New Inter video driver architecture (i cannot wait to see this improvement)
4. Use ext4 filesystem as default
5. Use GRUB2 by default
And there are more improvement, you can read it here for Ubuntu, and here for Kubuntu.

So will Karmic Koala better than Jaunty? Let’s see together in 7 days from now. I will report it base on my experience. So stay tune on my blog and thanks for reading this article.


  1. jarwadi says:

    laptop saya menggunakan vga intel 945 dan menurut saya performa nya sangat buruk di ubuntu jaunty, pagi ini saya mencoba googling dan mendapat tutorial di http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 , saya mencoba cara ke empat; eh ngga tau nya setelah restart malah ubuntu saya ngga bisa log in, dan seperti nya ada yang tidak beres dengan kartu grafiknya.

    Saya tidak tahu bagaimana mengatasi hal ini, dan mungkin saya juga akan menunggu 3 hari lagi untuk 9.10, padahal men set up sistem operasi baru benar benar menghabiskan waktu menurut saya … hiks

  2. jarwadi says:

    laptop saya menggunakan vga intel 945 dan menurut saya performa nya sangat buruk di ubuntu jaunty, pagi ini saya mencoba googling dan mendapat tutorial di http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 , saya mencoba cara ke empat; eh ngga tau nya setelah restart malah ubuntu saya ngga bisa log in, dan seperti nya ada yang tidak beres dengan kartu grafiknya.

    Saya tidak tahu bagaimana mengatasi hal ini, dan mungkin saya juga akan menunggu 3 hari lagi untuk 9.10, padahal men set up sistem operasi baru benar benar menghabiskan waktu menurut saya … hiks

  3. Dark Archos says:

    I really didn’t have any problems with Jaunty.. None.. It was actually very very stable.

  4. Dark Archos says:

    I really didn't have any problems with Jaunty.. None.. It was actually very very stable.

    • Anonymous says:

      @Dark Archos: I guess you are using Nvidia Video Card. I'm using Intel GMA and it was slow. Please refer to my previous post.

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